March 6


5 Types of Journals to Consider

By Stephie

March 6, 2018

journal, journal type, journaling, journals, type of journal

You’re ready to give journaling a try. But before you start, you need to decide what types of journals you want to use. You may have notice that they have changed a lot over the last few decades. There are now numerous options themed for everything from weight loss to spiritual goals. If you aren’t sure what journal may work best for you, or what journals are even available, consider these five options. It should make your decision easier. And most importantly: just start, get your feet wet and if needed switch to a different type until you find the one that’s right for you!

Devotional Journals

Devotional journals are one of the most popular selling journals. Keep in mind, these are not themed for a specific religion or spiritual practice. The niche group of devotional journals are available for nearly every religion and offer a similar set-up across the board. You will find a scripture, passage, or quote and then given the space to write about your thoughts related to the daily thought or passage. This can help you work through your spiritual issues or attain spiritual and religious goals you may have.

Weight Loss Journals

Weight loss journals are a bit different than most journals. These

up in a way where you can quickly jot down your weight loss goals and achievements for the day. Things like what you ate, how long you worked out, what kind of workout you completed, and your weight can all be noted for the day. There are usually checklists for this and a small area for you to write down your thoughts for the day or regarding your workout.

Wreck Journals

Wreck journals are journals that give you tasks to do each day of the journal. Some of these are writing while others may be drawing, coloring, or even ripping out the page and throwing it away. The idea behind these journals is to get stress out of your system while being more creative and opening yourself up to new ideas.

Goal Planning Journals

Goal planning journals help you focus on your goals and stick to them through a series of prompts and checklists. The trick to these journals is the variety available. The journals are themed to different goals such as career, church, children, weight loss,… Depending on the journal theme, you may have a checklist with a small writing area or prompts giving you tasks to complete and thoughts regarding those tasks.

Bullet Journals

Bullet journals are the sandbox of journaling. You can use these with calendars, lists, bullet lists and task lists. It is all open for you to create and use different methods to arrive at your short term and long term goals. One of the things to consider with these journals are how to note your bullet lists. You can use different symbols for different tasks and each month you move the tasks you did not complete over, leave off tasks you no longer are interested in or move tasks in priority.

Beautiful quote by Gretchen Rubin
And that’s a great benefit of journaling!

These are the five most popular types of journals currently on the market. There are actually hundreds of options available. Just think of what your goals for journaling are and then begin the search for the right one for you. There is one out there for nearly every goal and every journaling level!

No matter what type of journals you chose, I hope you give journaling a try! Let me know in the comments bellow which one works best for you.

Now, if the only thing you need is some inspiration

Also, find out why it pays to express gratitude in your journal.


About the author

Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie, the happy mama of an elementary school-aged boy and love creating family fun printables. Sharing my journey along with some fun tips is my way to help other mama make a living from home.

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