Hey Mama, How Do YOU Feel Today?

Busy... Overwhelmed... Tired...

Serenity Challenge

Don't You Think It Would Be Time To Think About YOU More For Once?

You are not alone ... I also felt like that not so long ago.

Reconnecting to nature and journaling my feelings was very helpful to bring back a bit of serenity into my life.

And, that's not over!

While pursuing my quest for serenity, I want to help other mamas find peaceful moments in their own everyday life.

A Serene Mom Is a Happy Mom And It Has a positive impact on the whole family!

If you want to quit survival mode and start thriving again, then Please Consider Joining...

My Serene Summer

We talk a lot about peace during these challenging times...

But right now, you may just wondering how the heck you will make it through the end of 2020?!?

You deeply hope for more peace because you know that this is the real key to your heart's happiness.

But maybe you just aren't sure of where to start or how to find that time for yourself.

So, why don't you consider THIS summer as the perfect time for a mindset shift to finally live more mindfully?

It's Time To Swing Open The Door Of Your Heart
To Discover Serenity In Everyday Moments!


And for that reason, I warmly invite you to join me for...

My Serene Summer ☀️ A 10-Week Journaling Challenge

This challenge is perfect for you if…

  • YOU recognize that serenity is something you very much need to seek out in order to feel grounded and secure.
  • YOU feel deeply affected by negative people and stressful situations… and want to turn this around.
  • YOU Know deep in your bones that you are a true empath, and that peace is necessary for you to survive and thrive.

Then, take advantage of my Summer Special:

A One-Time Payment of only $47!

I can't wait to share a serene summer with you!

With love, Stephie

Stephie The Happy Mom - All Rights Reserved

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