Stephanie Gilbert
Creator of
My Summer Reading
PLR Pack
Hi, I'm the girl behind
Stephie The Happy Mom
and I would love to help you share some happiness with your readers!
I love to learn new things all the time! I’m curious, and I’m good at thinking outside the box to solve daily problems in a creative way.
When my son was born, I felt that the best place to be was at home with him!
I then realized I can do everything I enjoy (learning, creating, and sharing) through working online and creating fun digital content.
That’s how I now sprinkle happiness in other people’s lives and I would really love to help you do the same!
If you haven’t done so, I invite you to join my affiliate list.
So, you’ll be the first to know about upcoming launches and promotions and never miss any updates!
Now, let's talk about the real things!
Want to share something different with your audience
If your readers are tired of:

Hi, I'm Stephie and I LOVE
sparkling happiness with my creations!

Did You Know That Reading is an Activity Loved by Millions?
And do YOU know just how wonderful the written word can be?
But sometimes, a little help might come handy to take full advantage of what we are reading...
Reading rejuvenates, regardless of your situation. When you open a book, you open your life to endless possibilities for joy and serenity. Life will be more satisfying than you've ever imagined!
But wait a minute Stephie...
What can I do to help my people enjoy even more what they are reading and go further
Great Question!
I just crafted three beautiful tools you’ll be proud to share with your audience so they will:
Let me introduce:
My Summer Reading
PLR Offer
I created a no-cost entry product to make it even easier to promote my popular Summer Reading Journal !

Main Offer ($27):
My Summer Reading Journal

This 25-pages Journal
Upsell ($37):
My Summer Reading Extras

This 20-pages WorkBook

This 25-pages Coloring Book
Here's everything you need to know:
Main Offer: My Summer Reading Journal

Upsell: My Summer Reading Extras
(WorkBook + Coloring Book)

You get 50% COMMISSION
Throughout the Funnel
Here are some Promotional Graphics
You are welcome to grab any other graphics you see fit from one of the sales pages.
Just right-click and save!

Email me at:
Info @ StephieTheHappyMom (dot) com
and I'll be happy to help you!
© Stephie The Happy Mom / All rights Reserved