August 9


Printable burnout?!?

By Stephie

August 9, 2024

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It’s Stephanie here, your fellow WAHM and printable creator.

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Printable burnout anyone?


Maybe not.

Mary’s reply last weekend really got me thinking. After some reflection, I’ve come to realize that it’s not the act of creating printables in itself that leads to burnout for me. Rather, it’s the constant juggling of all the different roles I play as a creative work-at-home mom. Nothing new here. Hey, I actually wrote about this last year, which you can read here. The problem is that I continued to do the same things, hoping for different results…

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an inspiring podcast episode by Val, “Give Yourself Permission to Adapt and Thrive“. Around the 13-minute mark, Val’s hat analogy really hit home for me. What if we only wear one hat on which we put all the decorations needed to move forward in life? Wouldn’t that be less exhausting than changing hats for every task? It’s okay to be multi-passionate, curious, and creative. It’s okay if we’re not smashing goals like superheroes or if our to-do list looks more like a wish list. And it’s also okay wanting to spend more quality time with our family WITHOUT constantly worrying about where the money will come from.

I was feeling out of alignment for quite some time, but that’s about to change thanks to a book that caught my attention on Amazon last month. It’s called “The Family First Entrepreneur” by Steve Chou.

Steve’s insights are a game-changer. He says,

“Don’t be afraid to chase your curiosity and try different things as you explore what could be a viable business. We humans are not great predictors of our success. This is why we should remain open-minded on our business pursuits. You never know where your curiosity might lead. And curiosity is a far better gauge of success than passion.” (p.40)

He continues,

“If you start with passion, you may never find purpose and burn out in the process. But if you begin with purpose and stick to it, passion will follow. What excites you will come and go, as do opportunities. But a clear purpose behind what you’re doing will help you weather all kinds of storms.” (p.48)


“When it comes to the day-to-day, it’s more important that you build a business that uses key skills that excite you than it is that the product aligns with your passion.” (p.52)

This might seem counterintuitive at first, but let it simmer. After sleeping on it, it made so much sense to me that I updated my mantra to:

My curiosity fuels my creativity,
and my creativity sparks innovation.

As kids, following our curiosity comes naturally, but as we grow up, we often dim that curiosity to fit into societal molds. Why can’t we have fun exploring the unknown anymore? And the most important question: Why did we start our online businesses in the first place? If it was to monetize your passion, think again and run to grab a copy of “The Family First Entrepreneur” (you’ll thank me later!).

I shared these thoughts yesterday with Carolyn, my Momentum Coach, and we brainstormed some fun twists to reignite my biz motivation. I guess I can resume it by saying I might turn my biz into a lab where innovation is sparked by blending curiosity and creativity in playful simplicity! My first experiment? An invitation to work alongside me on completing one of my printable projects. I currently prefer not to share further details as the idea is still primarily in my thoughts, but I’d love to get your first impressions to gauge interest and expectations. Your feedback will help me shape things up!

Stay curious and keep creating!
Your one hat WAHM, Stephie

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P.S.: Here’s a roundup of the links featured in this email:

  • Miss a broadcast? No worries, you can find my previous emails here 📧
  • Need a pep talk? You’ll find something here 🎙️
  • Torn between building/growing your biz and spending quality time with your family? You definitely need to read this book 📒
  • Eager to build a business that makes an impact and expresses who you are? Check this out 🎯

P.P.S.: Looking at how you can close the gap between who you’re capable of being and who you’re actually being? Heroïc is an absolute game changer for me! Start your FREE 30-day Premium access today and find out for yourself 😉

Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you!

Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom!

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About the author

Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie, the happy mama of an elementary school-aged boy and love creating family fun printables. Sharing my journey along with some fun tips is my way to help other mama make a living from home.

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