March 6


BREAKING NEWS: There is nothing wrong! Neither with you! Nor with I 🤗

By Stephie

March 6, 2024

Hello Reader 👋
It’s Stephanie here, your fellow WAHM and printable creator.

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🤗 .

I know, it’s been a while!

And this email will reveal part of why.

Nothing to buy.

Just some personal biz+life insights.

For you, letting my words shine their lights!

I attended an amazing live event this weekend called LYM Live.
(Were you there too? Let me know, I’d love to hear your after-event thoughts and help you turn those ahas into action!)

It was the fourth time I attended this yearly event, but each time, it’s like the first time because of course, I’m not the same person from the previous year.

And this year, oh my! Marisa’s teaching hit me in a whole new way!

Here are my own ahas:

What if my lack of motivation simply indicates that
I’m not actually pursuing what I’m supposed to be doing at all?

What if my struggles to be seen and grow my biz mean
I’m not sharing the right message to the right people?

What if I’m not where I want to be yet is NOT because
I haven’t tried/hustle hard enough, but because I didn’t start with the right biz model?

Do you recognize yourself in any of these?

Warning: I’m opening a new discussion that may go against what we used to hear. You are welcome to participate in the discussion with respect or choose to leave entirely as I’m exploring new ways to become a fulfilled creative WAHM and sharing my journey with you.

You see, I’ve started that at-home biz to be fully present for and with my family, but most of the time I’m glued at my computer when I’m not taking care of household chores trying to balance all the things but finding myself fixing broken things here and there way too often because of blended boundaries…

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to give up when it’s becoming hard. Far from it!

I’ve been at it for almost 10 years and I’m far from the dream lifestyle I was dreaming of for my family and I 😢

Sure, there are some busy bees out there that are crushing it and have become models for the rest of us. I’ve worked with some of them in some way or another and it was truly rewarding! I’m sure you know who you are. Thank you 🤗

But truth is, I’m not one of those. And trying to be got me close to burn out.

It takes me long hours to have a product ready for sale. Functional yet eye-pleasing designs (still) don’t come naturally to me (on demand). And the longer I take, the more place for doubts I allow to come in, reminding me at the same time of my graphic design student years when some of my teachers didn’t hesitate to let me know how off the track I was with my ideas…

It’s not new that I feel that a special calling is hidden inside of me. As far as I can remember that feeling was there. But instead of carefully listening, I kept digging in all directions, sometimes hearing the calling louder, but letting life circumstances lead me elsewhere.

I won’t say I’ve lost my time. Absolutely not because I learned a lot and grew in wisdom. Wisdom I hope to be able to share with you soon, as I’ve decided this weekend to answer the call of adventure!

I’m still not sure exactly what it will look like, but I have a sense it will be around helping creative WAHMs find fulfillment along their online journey. Less fight, more flow in the family. Less confusion, more clarity on your next steps. Less frustration, more wins. Less work, more money.

If that hit home with you, PLEASE hit reply!

I’d love to continue the conversation with you 💬

To an inspiring day,
Stephanie Gilbert & her happy family

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P.S.: By the way, taking a step back to listening to that little voice inside of me is part why I’ve been quiet. The other reason is that last-minute me got to do her taxes 😣 Because yes, even if I haven’t earn lots of money, I still earn enough to justify having a biz and declare my revenues! So yeah for that 😆

Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you!

Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom!

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About the author

Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie, the happy mama of an elementary school-aged boy and love creating family fun printables. Sharing my journey along with some fun tips is my way to help other mama make a living from home.

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