November 30


Enjoy the Ride 🎒

By Stephie

November 30, 2023

Hello Reader πŸ‘‹
It’s Stephanie here, your fellow WAHM and printable creator.

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πŸ€— .




I hope you are having a fabulous day and feeling proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished this year!

Wait. What did you just say Stephie?

Hey, I get it. I’m a creative WAHM too!

Our lives are like roller coaster rides, with ups and downs, twists and turns, and highs and lows.

You know, the ups when you create something amazing, get rave reviews, make a sale, or reach a goal. 🀩

The downs when you face a creative block, get a negative feedback, lose a customer, miss a deadline, or … your results don’t meet your expectations (BFCM, I’m looking at you!) 😒

The twists when you have to juggle multiple projects, roles, and responsibilities, and deal with unexpected challenges and changes (now, I’m looking at the possible teacher’s strike…) πŸ₯Ί

The turns when you have to make decisions, take risks, and try new things, and hope for the best. πŸ™

The highs when you feel inspired, motivated, confident, and happy. πŸš€

The lows when you feel frustrated, discouraged, doubtful, and sad. πŸ˜”


Yes, being a creative WAHM is a roller coaster ride!

But you know what?

It’s also an amazing ride.

A ride that is full of adventure, excitement, learning, and growth.
A ride that is unique, rewarding, and fun.
A ride that is worth taking.

So, how can you enjoy the ride, even when it gets bumpy and scary? How can you make the most of your creative WAHM journey, even when it gets hard and stressful?

Allow me to share with you some valuable tips / reminders that I believe will greatly uplift you.

  • Celebrate your wins, big and small. Don’t forget to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, progress, and efforts. Give yourself a pat on the back, a treat, or a break. Share your success with your family, friends, or community. Be proud of yourself and your work.
    You deserve it.
  • Learn from your mistakes, failures, and feedback. Don’t let them define you or discourage you. Instead, use them as opportunities to improve, grow, and innovate. Ask for help, advice, or support. Seek constructive criticism, not validation. Be open-minded and flexible.
    You can do it.
  • Balance your work and life. Don’t neglect your health, well-being, or relationships. Set boundaries, priorities, and goals. Manage your time, energy, and resources. Delegate, outsource, or automate. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
    You need it.
  • Have fun and be creative. Don’t lose your passion, joy, or curiosity. Explore, experiment, and express. Try new things, learn new skills, or join new challenges. Connect with other creative WAHMs and low content creators. Enjoy your work and your life.
    You want it.


These are some of the ways that you can enjoy the ride and make the most of your creative WAHM journey. I hope you find them useful and inspiring.


I know this year has been tough for many of us, with (still) the post-pandemic effects, the rise of AI, the rising cost of living, the uncertainties, and the changes. But I also know that we are strong, resilient, and adaptable. We have faced many challenges, but we have also overcome many obstacles. We have learned many lessons, but we have also gained many insights. We have experienced many lows, but we have also achieved many highs. πŸ™Œ


So, as we approach the end of this year, let’s not forget to celebrate our wins, learn from our mistakes, balance our work and life, and have fun and be creative.

Let’s not forget to enjoy the ride, because it’s a ride that only we can take.

And let’s not forget to send positive vibes to each other, because we are a community that supports, encourages, and empowers each other.


Which led me to…

Sharing with you some offers from creators I love and trust that I believe will help you and your business enjoy the WAHM ride during December.

It’s like a big wave of encouragement to support each other, don’t you think?



For every dollar you spend through any of my affiliate links, I’ll give you $1 to spend at my PLR store. Ex.: spend $9 receive $9. Spend $47 and receive $47. Simply send me your proof of purchase and tell me if you prefer smaller code chunks or only one for the total of your purchase(s).

If you need a recommendation or you’re wondering if something is a good fit for your current situation, do not hesitate to reach out.



Thank you for being part of my creative world.
I appreciate you and I’m here to help you.



With gratitude,​
Your happy mom, Stephanie Gilbert

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P.S.: As you may know, the teachers’ strike is affecting our family in many ways. One of them is that our holiday budget is now limited, and we may not be able to afford the vacation that we have been dreaming of. But there is a way that you can help us make it happen, and it won’t cost you anything extra. All you have to do is to shop through one of my links, and I will earn a small commission from your purchase. This way, you can get the products that you want, and also support our family’s travel plans. It would mean the world to us, especially to my son, who is looking forward to having some fun and adventure after a stressful year.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. πŸ€—







Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you!

Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom!

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About the author

Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie, the happy mama of an elementary school-aged boy and love creating family fun printables. Sharing my journey along with some fun tips is my way to help other mama make a living from home.

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