Hello Reader 👋
It’s Stephanie here, your fellow WAHM and printable creator.
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Have you heard?
I’m running my first sale of the year and I lovingly named it my Fabulous February Flash Sale!
What’s so fabulous about this sale, you ask?
Well, let me tell you.
I have meticulously selected 5 seasonally relevant products that your audience is sure to adore.
They are:
💌 With Love: A beautiful collection of love-themed posters. Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any day you want to spread some love. ($17)
🌱 Plantastik Affirmation Note Papers: A gorgeous set of plant-inspired note papers with positive affirmations. Great for boosting your mood, motivation, and productivity. ($17)
🌷 Joyful Spring Bilingual Kit: A fun and colorful kit of spring-themed fun learning activities. Plus, they’re bilingual (English and French), so you can reach a wider audience and learn a new language. ($27)
🌙 The Moon and Me – A Lunar Logbook: A unique and mystical logbook that helps you track the moon phases, your moods, your goals, and your dreams. Ideal for tapping into your intuition and creativity. ($27)
💆 Mini Planner for Big (Self) Care: A beautiful and practical planner that helps you prioritize your self-care, wellness, and happiness. Essential for balancing your work and life. ($37)
Each product comes with Private Label Rights and is lovingly designed by yours truly!
You can use them for yourself, or sell them to your customers. You can edit them, brand them, or customize them as you wish. You can even combine them to create new products.
The possibilities are endless!
And right now, you have 2 fabulous options to purchase these products:
OPTION 1: You can buy them individually at a whopping 46% discount with code FABFEB. That means you can get each product for only $9.18 instead of $17, or $14.58 instead of $27, or $19.98 instead of $37.
OPTION 2 > BEST VALUE! You can opt for the Fabulous February Bundle priced at just $46. This means that each product is only $9.20, saving you $79. That’s a steal!
Either way, you’re getting a fabulous deal!
But remember, this offer is only available through TOMORROW Tuesday, February 6.
So don’t miss this chance to get some amazing products at a fraction of the cost.
Click the button below to check out my Fabulous February Flash Sale 👇
Shop Fabulously |
Here are some product suggestions from my online friends that will also help you save time, make money, and have fun while creating awesome content for your audience.
🌼 From Virginie: Spring Fling Activity Pack: 114 Spring Activities in MRR
Only $13.50 with code SPFLAP50 (it saves you 50% off).
☕️ From Maureen: Vintage Coffee Dreams Toolkit
Only $22 no coupon code needed (it saves you $15 off).
🤗 From Sue: ADHD Bundle
Only $36.50 until Friday Feb 9th at Midnight PST
📚 From Desiree: School Name Labels
Only $8.50 with code SCHOOL50 (it saves you 50% off).
🐣 From Christina: Easter Fairy Party Games
Only $12 with code EASTERFAIRIES (it saves you $15 off).
They’re fabulous, and so are you!
That’s why I want to offer you a fabulous …
Go ahead and treat yourself to some fabulous products today.
Then email me your receipt with your choice of a product from my store up to equivalent value (regular priced).
You deserve it!
Be fabulous,
Stephanie Gilbert & her happy family
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P.S. You know how I always say that feeling behind is just a state of mind? Well, I have to admit that sometimes it’s also a state of reality… especially when it affects other people who are waiting for me.
So, please forgive me if I haven’t gotten back to you yet. I’m working hard to catch up, but my monkey mind keeps jumping from one thing to another. You know, the restless, capricious, and uncontrollable mind that Buddhists talk about? Yeah, that one.
If you need me to reply to you ASAP, please send me your message again with URGENT in the subject line. That will help me to prioritize it and get it done faster.
Until then, stay safe and happy, and enjoy this Valentine’s freebie that I created for you!
Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you!
Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom!
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