Hello Reader 👋 Is this the name you would like to be greeted with? Some, like my son and husband, can’t wait for Christmas 🎄 Others, like me, wish they had another month in front of them … to get at least half of their to-do-list done 😆 In which camp are you? Since I can’t stop time, I thought of something else that may help. For the grown-ups (aka you and/or your customers!) who need to keep the kids happy-busy while they finish their tasks, I’ve slashed the price of my Christmas Coloring Countdown by 75%!
It’s more than just another set of coloring pages. It’s a potential source of off-screen bonding moments for your customers and passive income for you! Imagine the possibilities…
You don’t have to be a professional designer to create and sell beautiful printables. Just let your creativity shine, and you’ll be surprised by what you can create!
Did you know you can make your printables talk? Yes, for real! There is a new fun tool out there called BookVoice that lets you transform your characters into living, speaking storytellers! I purchased it on my own and was thrilled to share genuine examples crafted from my printables with you. But it seems there is a glitch on my end and I’m waiting for their support to have it resolved. The reason I’m not waiting to share it with you is that it’s from a company I love and trust – Adazing who also created MockupShots and QuickWrite – AND they are running a beta campaign right now. As for me, I don’t mind experiencing a few glitches during their get started phase, because it allows me to help them make the product better AND save a lot (how about $87 instead of $297?) I feel like it’s going to be an amazing way to stand out, and my mind is buzzing with endless possibilities! So, if it sounds like something fun to you too, don’t wait and get in, now!
Your choice of my Holiday Sparkle 30 Canva Animated Cards (value of $47) OR a $37 gift card at my store.
Psssst… How would you like to work with me 1:1 over the next year? Hit reply if you’d like to know more! P.S.: Get my Christmas Coloring Countdown for only $9! P.P.S.: Make your printables stand out with BookVoice today! === Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you! Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom! To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add [email protected] to your address book or whitelist us. |
December 18