I was an elementary school art teacher. I loved my students, but I didn’t find my job fulfilling any longer. As a teenager, I had always dreamed of traveling around the world and create all kind of new things.
I wanted more freedom in my personal and professional life, but I worried. I was afraid of what would happen if I really did start chasing my dreams… I doubted I had the ability to make my dream a reality. I wondered what everyone around me would think if I quit my job and create instead.
I was stuck in a rut, afraid to say “yes” to my best life. Maybe you can relate. You’ve spent years daydreaming about what you want your life to look like. Instead, you tuck your dream away quietly and get back to your ordinary world. But before you do that, let me share three simple reasons you should lean into your yes…
Reason #1: New Discoveries Are Waiting (and I love that!)
Everything you love right now was once an unknown. Your favorite ice cream flavor, your favorite movie, your favorite makeup—all of these things were once unknown to you. But you didn’t let that stop you and tried them anyway.
When I say yes to new discoveries, I learn more about what I like and love. I took a chance and made a bold decision. This doesn’t mean I will love the results of every yes I go after.
Sometimes, you’ll simply discover what you don’t like. That’s fine, too.
Reason #2: Personal Growth Doesn’t Happen in Your Safety Zone (that’s a tough one…)
For some people, saying ‘no’ is an automatic response. You say ‘no’ to that new project even though you know it could lead to a promotion. You say ‘no’ to healthy foods even though you know it could lead to more energy.
But personal growth never happens inside your safety zone. If I really want to make a difference and change my life, then I have to be willing to do things I have never done before.
You have to be willing to say yes even when the future feels scary and uncertain.
Reason #3: Say Yes to Learning New Things (it keeps me young)
Besides growing into your best self, saying yes helps you learn new things. You might say yes to the chance to host a party and discover you love being a hostess. You could say yes to a giving a presentation at work and find out you love public speaking.
What I learn won’t be just limited to my personality though. I also learn more about my relationships, my finances, my health, and so many other areas of my life.
Maybe a new dance class makes you realize how supportive your partner is. Maybe an unexpected roadtrip with an aging parent gives insight into how your mom grew up.
Saying yes can be the beginning of a beautiful new adventure!
But don’t feel you have to start out by tackling something big like changing your job or moving to a different country. Instead, start with something small like taking a new class or reaching out to form new friendships. The more you say yes to little things the easier it will become to say yes to the big things.

Do you struggle with saying no? Learn how to turn this word into a gift here!