November 18


NurieCreator & Fitmomology’s Fundraising Bundle

By Stephie

November 18, 2024

Hello Reader 👋
It’s Stephanie here, your fellow WAHM and printable creator.

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Let’s start this week right with a little piece of wisdom.

Isn’t it interesting to see how joggers take the time to stretch before their runs, or how carpenters carefully create blueprints before starting a project?

Oh, and when I was a pastry chef, I always closed my days by making sure my ingredients were well organized and refilled for the next day.

These people truly appreciate the importance of preparation, and that’s a valuable lesson for online entrepreneurs just like us!

It goes beyond the attention to detail. It’s setting ourselves up for success from the start.

Here’s a simple recipe you can prepare for yourself as soon as today:

  • 1 pinch of strategic approach
  • 2 deep scoops of getting to know your audience better
  • 3 laser focus dashes of delivering value

Dosage: Take a small bite every day and repeat the recipe as often as necessary!

Building a thriving online business is an exciting journey.

Sure there are times when it can be more challenging.

And you know what? Sometimes the right tool or resource shows up just when you need it, making your biz life a whole lot more enjoyable!


🤝 One of ours needs help!
Check out what 27 of Desiree’s friends, including myself have contributed to her
Fitmomology’s Fundraising Bundle. Plus, you can also win a prize by entering the giveaway here!
HINT: The more you share, the greater your chances of winning.

🎨 Thinking of grabbing Nurie Creator?
Today’s the last day and I have great bonuses for every part of the funnel (see details below, in the P.S.)

Wishing you loads of holiday cheer and profits,
Stephie & Her Happy Family

P.S.: It’s no surprise that the competition is fierce for Nurie Creator!

I won’t hide from you that we are several affiliates who are eager to have our share of the Nurie cake 👩‍🎨

So I’ve decided to add a bonus for each part of the funnel!


Buy the main product, Nurie Creator ($37) through my link and get 2 PLR products of your choice from my store (a value of up to $94).

PLUS, a special report: Coloring Book Essentials – Your Guide to Boost Your Passive Income Effortlessly! It contains coloring book related items you can promote as an affiliate and tips to help you earn extra income during this perfect spending time of year (value of $27)!

PRO UPGRADE 1: Nurie Creator PRO $67 > Maximize your productivity with advanced tools that streamline your coloring book creation process.

You’ll get a Pick My Brain session, either via video conference or Voxer (value of $97).

ELITE UPGRADE 2: Nurie Creator ELITE $197 > Elevate your coloring book creation with premium tools that offer more control and customization, like advanced image editing, line thickness control, ColorFlex Image Converter, One Button Coloring Book Creator.

I’ll unlock my entire store for you until the end of the year (value of $851)!

UPGRADE 3: 100 DFY Book Covers $47 Unlock the potential of publishing with our 100 Done-For-You Book Covers for Brain Game Books! Perfect for anyone looking to enter the lucrative world of brain game books on Amazon, these professionally designed covers eliminate the need for design skills and save you time.

You’ll be the first to experiment my upcoming Marketing AI Generator (value of $47)!

NOTE: Info to claim your bonuses will show on the same page as your Nurie Creator purchase in your Warrior Plus account. Bonuses for upgrades will be added by Tuesday morning.

Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you!

Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom!

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About the author

Hello everyone! I'm Stephanie, the happy mama of an elementary school-aged boy and love creating family fun printables. Sharing my journey along with some fun tips is my way to help other mama make a living from home.

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