Hello Reader 👋 Is this the name you would like to be greeted with? ​ ​ I looked out the window last Sunday, watching the snow gently fall. It was the first real one of the season. We’re expecting a good deal more over the next few days. So now I believe it’s safe to say that the white blanket is here to stay! There’s something enchanting about it, isn’t there? Watching the snow fall over a cup of hot coffee is one of my favorite things about winter. My least favorite? Shoveling it after 😆 Who else has been snowing in already? ​ But I’m not back in your inbox today only to talk about snow. Even if ours isn’t about to melt anytime soon, there’s still something else that’s about to disappear…
​ This is just a small portion of what I have in store for you 🤩 Don’t wait and go grab as many templates as you want while you still can get them at 70% off! And whether you want to brainstorm rebranding ideas, discuss marketing strategies, or seek advice on any biz-related questions, I’m here to help. Simply make a purchase of $50 or more at my store and send me an email. We’ll then arrange our session together!
Email me once your shopping is done and tell me if you prefer a video chat, Voxer or email session with me. Your exclusive code is: ty70​ ​ ​ ALSO ENDING TONIGHT… ONLY $17! Marcy has joined forces with Alessandro to present you with this amazing new offer: ​Silly Story Prompts Empire​.
You’ll get a comprehensive set of 539 prompts specifically designed to create silly stories for kids that are selling like crazy on Amazon. Parents and teachers love these books because kids can’t stop reading them. And the OTOs are just as incredible:
​ ​ This offer qualifies for my Spend $1, Get $1 bonus offer. Or combine all your purchases (minimum $175) and I’ll unlock my entire store for you until December 31, 2025, PLUS 3 x 1:1 sessions with me 😎 ​
P.S.: Scrolled straight down here? 🤩 Your 70% discount on anything and everything in my PLR sore is ending TONIGHT. Your private code is: ty70 Spotlight Offers Recap 📚 Get ​Silly Story Prompts Empire now for only $17! 🧩 It’s this time of year when Robert Borsuk runs the best price you can get on Puzzle Publishers all year! 🎄 Christmas Party Games ONLY $12 with coupon code XMASPARTY12 ​ ​ === ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Disclosure: From time to time, I will include links in the emails that would include promotions for my own products or affiliate products, meaning I get paid when you buy the product. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Always use due diligence when buying anything and remember, what works for me may not always work for you! Thank you so much for your support of Stephie The Happy Mom! To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add [email protected] to your address book or whitelist us. ​ |
December 4