This coming week promises to be a beautiful one and it makes me want to share with you some ideas for enjoying the outdoors … in a different way!
I really don’t know how summer will turn, but one thing for sure we just can’t stay indoor all the time.
My health condition doesn’t allow me to go anywhere anytime soon, except maybe to admire the landscape in the shelter of our car…
Well, better be creative though!
So, stuck at home (for any reason) and want to get fresh air and exercise? Go in your backyard! No matter how big your yard or how small your balcony, the important part is to go outside and have fun!
Let's see together...
5 Ways That Will Make You Want to Get Outside (more)!
Chalk(board) Pictionary
The first outdoor activity you can do in your backyard is chalkboard Pictionary. If you don’t mind decorating your backyard with random doodles, you can choose any wall at hand. Plus, as a fun experiment, you may be amazed at the different types of surfaces that chalk can work on!
If that’s not an option and you don’t want to buy a chalkboard, you can also paint a large wooden board in a dark color then set it up on some type of easel (a chair can work) in the backyard on the lawn or patio.
Play it just like a normal game of Pictionary, where one person draws the word on their card (or mind), and everyone else has to guess what it is. You can even make it more active by everyone having to act out with their body what they think the word or phrase is.

See Big
Lawn games have been getting more popular recently, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one! They are often larger sizes of classic games your family loves, like Giant Jenga or Giant Dominoes. These can be played on your patio or even in the grass if you prefer.
Once again, no need to buy anything. A Corn Hole can be made out of plastic containers and some balls. And why don’t you try a giant Tic-Tac-Toe using ropes and pebbles?
Keep in mind that getting people to stand and walk around gives everyone a lot more activity than sitting down to play the game. And you’ll soon find it’s much more fun too 😉
Green Thumbs
It is a great time to plant something! If you are home alone, you can do this on your own, whether you want to plant some flowers in your backyard or start a vegetable or herb garden.
With kids at home, it can be a learning experience for them as you teach them how to plant and grow something, plus it might count as science class if you’re doing homeschooling.
It is great manual activity that gets you unplugged, relieve stress and anxiety as well plus so much more benefits!

Stretch That Body
If you have enough space to run around, your backyard can be ideal for workouts. Look up body weight or cardio workouts, and you should get an idea of what you can do outdoors. For example, you can warm up for your workout outside by doing walking lunges along with some squats. You can run sprints back and forth, run around the backyard until you have gone a mile, or have fitness challenges with other members of your household. I’m also thinking of doing a mini hebertism course for Fiston!
Even if your space is limited, you may want to try some bodyweight exercises like wall sit, squat, triceps dip on chair and similar quiet yet effective exercises.
Yoga is another great way to move your body while destressing your mind.
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Just Be Outside!
The thing is you may eventually want to turn any occasion to get outside. It’s good for your body and it’s good for your soul!
So, anything you use to do indoor, see if you can do it outside instead. But please, for your sanity’s sake, try to avoid bringing your screen…
Reading, coloring, writing, … or just enjoy being outside by yourself and enjoy the present moment!

And you, what is YOUR best reason for going outside?
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